Wish to list all colleges of India, offering part time course in MA - visit CollegeDunia. Further wish to filter above search to colleges offering part time course in MA Economics, provision is there. Want to see in a particular city, or state, still you have that option. So if you see, for any stream, be it medical, engineering, management, science, arts, law or commerce; you have all kind of permutations combinations available to juggle with on this portal to arrive at best of the information.
The colleges has individual rating, course lists, type or mode in which education is imparted (full time, part time etc), history and location details. For instance if you click on Engineering tab, you get to select from B.Tech and M.Tech. If you want to know the colleges offering B.Tech in Computer Science it presents 550 colleges all across India offering B.Tech in Computer Science. On the top of this list is IIT Kharagpur with a rating of 9.8.